[FOR SALE] Ready Made Decorated Tree

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[FOR SALE] Ready Made Decorated Tree

  • $550.00

Colour Theme:  Pink, Sliver, White

Choice of Ornaments: With 19 years of professionally decorated Christmas trees, let us know your color choices and preferences. We will decorate it as close as your preference. 

We have 3 other choices and color themes for you to choose from. You may see all the options here. 

Take Note: Wanyuan gifts reserve the right to replace any of the Christmas ornaments and decorations should they not be available to the same value.


Out of Stock!

This product is out of stock, submit your email and we will update once it available.

Refer to the table below for more information on the tree.

Tree Size(ft)Trees Size(cm)Tree TipsDiameter
5 feet150cm704tips104cm
6 feet180cm 980 tips119cm
7 feet210cm1330 tips135cm
8 feet240cm1794 tips142cm
10 Feet300cm2970 tips180m